We recently had the the pleasure of having a presentation from Arthur Aguilar, the Public Policy Director at Instituto de Estudos para Políticas de Saúde (IEPS) on Stakeholder engagement and evidence communication. Drawing from his previous experience, the seminar addressed mapping relevant actors for a given agenda, understanding the role of each actor in defining a given public policy outcome, the communication of evidence, information dissemination strategies to encourage replication, and scale-up strategies via indirect implementation support.
Arthur Aguilar is an economist who graduated from PUC-Rio and holds a master’s degree in International Development from Harvard University. He was coordinator of Projects and Evaluation at the School of Innovation and Public Policies at the Ministry of Education. He has collaborated with JPAL, LSE and ASER/Pratham in coordinating research projects and impact assessments in health and education.
The seminar was very well attended and included discussion from folks across HFACT and beyond. Many thanks again to Arthur for a relevant and interesting seminar.